While nervousness and anxiety are common under certain conditions, a constant state of anxiety and worry could ruin a person’s quality of life. Stress at work or at home could also play a role in anxiety levels.
Many of the medications on the market to treat anxiety in both men and women contain serious side effects. In contrast, natural hormone therapy could relieve anxiety by replacing the hormones lost due to aging.
Manhattan hormone therapy for anxiety could also help relieve other issues resulting from low hormone levels. A skilled doctor could conduct tests measuring your hormone levels and provide you with a custom-tailored hormone regimen.
While women may suffer from anxiety at any age, it could worsen after menopause once the ovaries stop producing estrogen. Loss of estrogen could cause many symptoms in conjunction with the anxiety. This may include vaginal dryness, weight gain, loss of libido, and hot flashes.
Bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy, which typically involves hormones that are identical on the molecular level as those in a woman’s own body, could help alleviate anxiety and some of the conditions provoking it. With hormone replacement therapy, the goal is typically optimal health in both physical and mental terms.
Women on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are monitored regularly and hormone levels are adjusted based on testing. Bioidentical hormones are created for each patient in a state-of-the-art compounding pharmacy.
While men do not go through menopause, they could experience a similar change in life through andropause. The drop in testosterone levels during andropause could also cause a variety of symptoms, with anxiety among the most common. As with women, certain other side effects could exacerbate anxiety. This may include erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.
For men with low testosterone levels, bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy could lift their mood and reduce anxiety. Additional benefits may include improved sleep, improved erectile function and a return of libido, and greater muscle mass development.
Compared with standard testosterone replacement therapy, bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy has fewer potential side effects because it matches a man’s natural testosterone. Men are also monitored regularly, and hormone levels are adjusted as necessary. Manhattan hormone therapy for anxiety could be available in patch, gel, injectable, and transdermal forms.
While medications may reduce anxiety, their side effects may include headaches, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, blurred vision and confusion. Natural hormone replacement therapy typically does not involve these side effects.
If you have been experiencing anxiety, Manhattan hormone therapy for anxiety could help. Call the office of Dr. Edward Jacobson today to arrange a consultation and get answers to any questions or concerns you may have.