Manhattan Menopause Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

For many women going through menopause, urinary incontinence is a serious problem. A sneeze, a cough, and or even a good laugh could trigger this embarrassing condition. Manhattan menopause treatment for urinary incontinence could help. After an initial meeting and examination, Dr. Edward Jacobson could work with you to develop a custom-tailored treatment plan so that you may feel comfortable again. An accomplished medical professional could answer your health questions.

Urinary Incontinence and Menopause

Urinary incontinence, which is referred to as loss of bladder control, becomes more common once the ovaries stop producing estrogen and menopause occurs. For some women, the inconvenience is occasional and manageable with the use of pads in underwear. In other cases, urinary incontinence occurs frequently and is virtually impossible to control.

Urinary incontinence could be caused by weakened pelvic muscles and tissues which is caused by a lack of estrogen. Affected women are less able to exercise bladder control. Some women could find themselves getting up multiple times during the night to urinate, leading to insomnia and fatigue. Women with menopause could discuss the benefits of menopause treatment for urinary incontinence with a physician in Manhattan.

Temporary Urinary Incontinence

Not all urinary incontinence in menopausal women is connected to menopause and loss of estrogen. Certain women could experience temporary urinary incontinence due to urinary tract infections.

Women dealing with constipation could be more likely to experience short-term urinary incontinence. Once these issues are treated and resolved, the urinary incontinence could stop.

Steroids, diuretics, and certain other medications could also cause urinary incontinence. Diuretics are typically found in drugs used to control high blood pressure.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

The synthetic hormones used in standard estrogen replacement therapy are derived from the urine of pregnant mares. As such, they are known as conjugated equine estrogens.

Bioidentical hormones stem from plant sources—primarily wild yam and soy—which means the body does recognize them as identical on the molecular level to the estrogen hormones a woman’s own body produced. Bioidentical estrogen therapy could aid in keeping the bladder healthy while also avoiding the side effects associated with traditional synthetic hormones.

For many women, vaginal estrogen creams, rings, or patches could help relieve both urinary incontinence and vaginal dryness, each of which is a common symptom of menopause. A woman in Manhattan suffering from urinary incontinence and painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness could solve seek menopause treatment.

The Treatment Process

After taking a complete medical history, which could include analyzing any current medications and supplements, the patient could take and perform blood or urine tests to measure hormone levels. A doctor could determine whether bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the right choice for an individual patient. Once treatment starts, the patient is monitored regularly to determine whether the topical estrogen is helping to stop urinary incontinence.

In conjunction with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, the doctor could recommend a diet and exercise program for patients, as excess weight and lack of muscle tone increases the likelihood of urinary incontinence. These may include Kegel exercises, which strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

Consider Manhattan Menopause Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

If you are suffering urinary incontinence after menopause and would like to know whether bioidentical hormone replacement therapy will relieve your symptoms, call today to schedule a consultation. Dr. Edward Jacobson could answer all your questions about Manhattan menopause treatment for urinary incontinence, so you could make an informed decision about your health.