Sarasota Hormone Replacement Therapy

Your hormones help regulate numerous processes in your body, such as hunger, sexual arousal, and several emotional responses. Your body naturally maintains an ideal hormonal balance that keeps you happy, healthy, energized, and clear-headed. However, when your hormones become unbalanced, so do you! If you have entered a phase of life where night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings are your new normal, you may want to consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

At our clinic, we are pleased to offer hormone replacement therapy for both women and men. Here, you will work with Dr. Edward Jacobson, our dedicated and experienced wellness doctor. He will take the time to assess your hormone levels, discuss the benefits and risks associated with HRT, and tailor a treatment plan to your unique needs and concerns. Connect with our team today to discover how hormone replacement therapy in Sarasota could give you a new lease on life.

Are My Hormones Out of Balance?

Your natural hormonal balance may be disturbed due to various factors, including age, illness, or stress. Women usually start experiencing hormone level fluctuations long before menopause, and as early as in their thirties. Their progesterone levels begin to diminish, followed by estrogen levels, and eventually testosterone. Men also experience a similar phenomenon, but with testosterone declining first.

Hormone replacement therapy in Sarasota may be a suitable treatment option if you suffer from any of the following adverse effects:

  • Weight fluctuations, especially unexplained weight gain
  • low libido
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings or brain fog
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
  • Sleep issues

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Sarasota supplements your body with hormones structurally identical to those produced by the human body. When prescribed, administered, and monitored by a qualified physician, these naturally derived hormones can mimic the hormones of your own body. They may include commercial products approved by the FDA and formulations compounded by pharmacies.

Bioidentical hormones are typically extracted and purified from plant sources, including yams and soy. Under the supervision of Dr. Jacobson, bioidentical hormones can help restore your natural hormone levels and alleviate the unwanted side effects associated with aging, menopause, and thyroid imbalances.

BHRT can be personalized and adjusted to your unique needs while still being easily metabolized by your body. If you have further questions about this treatment option, do not hesitate to contact our clinic today.

How is Hormone Replacement Therapy Administered?

Your Sarasota hormone replacement therapy treatment begins with booking a consultation at our clinic. Before prescribing your hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Jacobson will conduct a medical assessment where he will get to know you, evaluate your symptoms and concerns, and thoroughly review your medical history.

After assessing your needs, he will develop a customized therapeutic program for you. This may involve prescribing you your hormone therapy and continually adjusting it according to your symptoms and needs. Depending on your symptoms, you may receive one hormone or a combination of hormones for your hormone replacement therapy.

Take Charge of Your Body With Sarasota Hormone Replacement Therapy

Serving patients from Sarasota and beyond, Dr. Jacobson is here to help you ease the unwanted symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance. He will help you develop a comprehensive, personalized care plan to help you achieve the most favorable results possible.

We are happy to answer or address any questions or concerns you may have about HRT. Our goal is to help you feel comfortable at our clinic and help you make informed decisions about your body. To discover how hormone replacement therapy could help you take control of your life, contact our clinic to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jacobson.