Georgia Girl

I have been a patient of Dr. Jacobson for about five years; I was first a surgery patient of his. At the time, I was 61. I had been on synthetic hormones and synthetic thyroid medication since peri-menopause at the age of 51. I had been curious about bio-identical hormones for years but live in an area where there is no one with expertise and training. I travel to him four times a year. Dr. Jacobson has had extensive training in bio-identical hormones. He is also a seasoned and experienced OB/GYN with years of experience treating women. Dr. Jacobson evaluates hormone needs based on specific blood work and one-to-one counseling regarding your physical and sexual well-being. He is easy to talk to and has a very open and honest style, making him easy to open up to. He has been concerned with my well-being, and he has a great sense of humor, which makes the subject of sexuality easy to discuss with him. He has been treating me with bio-identical hormones and thyroid medication for almost five years, and I feel great. I am 66 now, and my energy level is good, my skin is youthful, doctors say my bone density has stayed stable, and best of all, my sexual energy and interest is as good as when I was in my 30’s. I think my husband (of 37 years) likes that part.

Thanks Dr. Jacobson!