Signs I May Be Experiencing Andropause

middle-aged couple seated and holding hands

As men age, they also experience a change of life. In their case, the condition is known as andropause. Just as women’s estrogen levels drop during menopause, men lose testosterone, although signs of andropause are subtler than menopause.

Fortunately, a doctor specializing in andropause treatment can help reverse the signs of andropause via testosterone and other hormonal therapies and help you feel like your younger, more active, and energetic self once more.

When Do These Changes Start?

Testosterone levels begin to drop when a man reaches his 30s, but they are not generally noticeable until he reaches his 40s or 50s. Many of the signs of andropause are chalked up to natural aging, but that is not necessarily the case.

Weight Gain and Loss of Muscle Mass

The onset of andropause usually brings with it weight gain, especially around the waist and chest, and loss of muscle mass. There is a decline in a man’s energy level and more difficulty in engaging in exercise, especially of the more vigorous kind. Running, lifting, bending and kneeling all become more of an effort. When men do work out, they find it harder to gain strength or increase muscle mass. An overall feeling of weakness, at least when compared to an earlier stage of life, becomes evident.

Hair and Skin

Signs of andropause are most visible to others because of changes in the hair and skin. Hair loss is exacerbated, and that includes hair on all parts of the body, especially around the genitals and under the arms. The skin becomes drier and loses elasticity and wrinkling increases. During andropause, men may also find themselves sweating more than usual.

Sexual and Urinary Side Effects

The sexual side effects of andropause are among the most common, and the reasons men may seek medical attention for their condition. Sexual side effects of andropause include:

  • Loss of libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Less strong erections
  • Reduction in fertility
  • Ejaculatory issues
  • Testicular shrinkage

At the same time, men may experience related urinary tract problems. They may find themselves waking up several times nightly to visit the bathroom, or that the urinary stream is much weaker. Some men have difficulty maintaining urinary flow or even beginning the urinary process. In a worst-case scenario, urinary tract problems due to andropause may lead to incontinence and its attending embarrassment and lifestyle impairment.

Emotional Issues

Andropause can wreak havoc on a man’s psyche, and he may never connect these emotional and psychological issues with lower testosterone levels. Some emotional issues related to andropause include depression, irritability, mood swings, cognitive changes, anxiety, and memory loss.

A Doctor Can Help Sufferers of Andropause

Andropause is known colloquially as male menopause, but that is not a term doctors use. As noted, andropause is not the exact equivalent of menopause, and men do not lose their reproductive capability. However, there are symptoms of andropause that are similar to menopause.

Women going through menopause often suffer from night sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, and insomnia. These are also signs of andropause, and it is the first two symptoms that may alert a man that what he is going through is more than getting older.

If you are experiencing signs of andropause and would like more information about treating the condition, contact Dr. Edward Jacobson today and schedule a consultation.