The neuroendocrine system affects virtually every part of your body. Accordingly, when something goes awry with this system, you may experience serious health issues. Some, such as cancer, may even prove fatal, but most will respond to appropriate therapy once a definite diagnosis is made. Besides helping you with understanding neuroendocrine dysfunctions, a professional doctor could also help you develop a treatment plan using bioidentical hormone therapy.
The neurological system consists of the central nervous system, which regulates bodily functions through the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which includes the nerves responsible for voluntary and involuntary actions.
The endocrine system consists of glands that produce and release hormones into the body. These hormones are responsible for controlling basic bodily functions, including bone and tissue growth, heartbeat regulation, and fertility. Hormone imbalances occur when the glands produce too much or too little of a particular hormone.
Finally, the neuroendocrine system consists of cells spread throughout the body. These neuroendocrine cells are somewhat like nerve cells or neurons, and also resemble endocrine cells in that they create hormones. These cells receive signals from the neurological system that prompt them to develop and release hormones. Neuroendocrine cells are found in the ovaries, testicles, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, skin, and thyroid. They also make up the bulk of the pituitary glands, parathyroid glands, and adrenal medulla—the inner layer of the adrenal glands.
Neuroendocrine dysfunctions can often result from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), even a relatively mild sort such as a concussion. They may also occur after a patient is diagnosed with a brain infection such as meningitis. Tumors are common in the neuroendocrine system and must be ruled out before bioidentical hormone therapy or another treatment commences.
Many neuroendocrine dysfunctions occur because hormone levels are either too high or too low. Sometimes, the body does not respond properly to hormones. When the body suffers an endocrine disorder, the symptoms may appear as neurological problems. Contact a doctor for assistance with understanding neuroendocrine dysfunctions.
Symptoms of neuroendocrine dysfunction run the gamut in terms of severity, and may include:
Women may experience irregular menstrual periods, while men may deal with erectile dysfunction. In either sex, neuroendocrine dysfunction may affect fertility. The sooner the neuroendocrine dysfunction is diagnosed and treated, the more quickly hormonal balance could be regained. Understanding neuroendocrine dysfunctions can be a hard concept to grasp right away. Speak with a doctor to get a better overview on this subject.
Bioidentical hormones are exactly the same on the molecular level as those produced naturally by the body, except these natural hormones are derived from plants. Patients receive a customized treatment plan, and the hormones are created under the doctor’s supervision in a state-of-the-art compounding pharmacy.
Since bioidentical hormone therapy uses a holistic approach, patients also receive an individualized diet and exercise program with the goal of obtaining optimal health. There is no one size fits all when it comes to bioidentical hormone therapy.
Patients undergo regular screening while using bioidentical hormones, and dosage adjustments are typically made over time. Depending on the type of bioidentical hormone prescribed, patients may receive their hormones in injectable, pill, patch, transdermal, or gel forms.
If you suspect you are suffering from neuroendocrine dysfunction and would like to know more about bioidentical hormone therapy, call Dr. Edward Jacobson today and arrange a consultation. Dr. Jacobson is based out of Greenwich, Connecticut, but he is also available for consultations in Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and Newport Beach. An accomplished doctor such as Dr. Jacobson could help you with understanding neuroendocrine dysfunctions.