Every year, researchers are discovering more health conditions influenced by sleep. Poor cognitive function, anxiety, depression, an increased risk of migraine headaches, increased irritability, poor attention span, and heart disease are all linked to poor or insufficient sleep.
Melatonin is a hormone, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory produced in the brain and other areas of the body in response to darkness. For people in Stamford, melatonin therapy may help balance their hormone levels and reduce associated symptoms. Dr. Edward Jacobson can help you explore hormone replacement therapy.
Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate certain biological rhythms, including sleep. However, it is also an influential antioxidant that benefits brain health, protecting against neurodegenerative diseases and some cancers. Oxidative stress damages cells and is believed to be a significant contributing factor in age-related cognitive impairment.
Cognitive impairment may be mild and cause minor lapses in memory and difficulty learning new things, or it can be significant and deteriorate into dementia. While other hormones have a “releasing factor” that tells the body to produce and release more hormones, melatonin does not.
People from Stamford who have an allergic reaction to melatonin therapy may be reacting to an additive ingredient in the supplement. Using a compounding pharmacy for your prescription can reduce the number of ingredients in the supplement.
Although many believe a reduction in the production of melatonin or an alteration in sleep patterns is inevitable as a person ages, it is not normal. However, not all people benefit from melatonin.
Additionally, the dose of melatonin administered by your Stamford physician should always be personalized to a person’s condition, monitored, and adjusted as needed throughout the therapy process.
People who more commonly have melatonin deficiencies are women with Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and people with coronary artery disease and hypertension. There is research suggesting that elderly people who are stopping benzodiazepines, such as Xanax or Valium, may benefit from controlled-release melatonin.
Melatonin has also been used in the treatment of insomnia to help balance an individual’s natural hormone production and is typically recommended for people experiencing jet lag after travel. During menopause, melatonin may help improve sleep quality and prevent bone loss, but it does not appear to help hot flashes.
Studies have also shown melatonin has cardioprotective properties and may help lower blood pressure.
Researchers have found that women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer have a higher potential of having lower levels of melatonin. Low levels may stimulate the growth of certain types of breast cancer cells.
Other conditions melatonin therapy has been known to treat include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and sarcoidosis. In other cases, melatonin’s antioxidant properties may help modulate the immune system, treat depression, and help with bone loss as you get older.
In addition to melatonin treatment, people in Stamford can support the treatment protocol by incorporating several strategies that can naturally help raise your melatonin levels.
These strategies include being exposed to sunlight in the early morning hours for 30 to 90 minutes each day. This helps to shut off your melatonin production so your body is ready to go to sleep at night.
For people who have difficulty accomplishing this before work, consider a “light therapy box” that can be used at your desk in the morning for 30 to 60 minutes.
Sleeping in a completely dark room also helps improve production. If it is not possible to eliminate external lighting at night, consider sleeping with blackout window shades and a sleep mask.
Drinking caffeinated drinks or alcohol later in the afternoon or evening can contribute to sleep disturbances, and certain medications may impair melatonin production. Talk with your doctor before stopping any prescription medication, as the side effects of abrupt withdrawal may be hazardous to your health.
Melatonin therapy may help relieve your symptoms and reduce your risk of long-term health problems. We can answer your questions and teach you how to use a healthy regimen to reduce your symptoms. Call our office today to schedule your consultation and discover how Stamford melatonin therapy can improve your quality of life.