During the reproductive years, estrogen plays a key role in lipid and glucose metabolism. The lack of estrogen after menopause can cause women to develop metabolic syndrome, also known as menopausal metabolic syndrome.
The syndrome is not a disease per se, but a collection of medical conditions. Metabolic syndrome puts women at a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease, already the number one cause of death for postmenopausal women.
Metabolic syndrome also increases the risk of diabetes. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can replace the estrogen lost during menopause and reverse metabolic syndrome.
As many as 40 percent of postmenopausal women may suffer from metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome occurs when any three of the following factors are present:
Women who are already taking medication to lower their blood pressure, reduce glucose levels, or increase their HDL levels are considered to have these risk factors even if their current measurements are below the metabolic syndrome numbers.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy reduces blood sugar levels and increases the amount of HDL. It also reduces your risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and may also lower the risk of developing macular degeneration and osteoporosis.
These natural hormones help lower blood pressure and make weight loss easier. Unlike conventional hormone replacement therapy, which contains estrogens derived from pregnant mare’s urine, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy uses plant-derived estrogens molecularly identical to those produced by the woman’s body.
Controlling metabolic syndrome requires a holistic approach. Along with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, patients receive custom-tailored diet and exercise plans to reduce the amount of abdominal fat – also known as visceral fat – contributing to metabolic syndrome.
This transfer of fat to the abdomen from the hip area is common in menopausal women.
While the majority of women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome are overweight, even those of normal weight may develop this syndrome.
While not considered a factor in metabolic syndrome, overweight women are at increased risk of breast cancer.
If you would like more information about estrogen and metabolic syndrome and how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help, call the office of Dr. Edward Jacobson today and arrange a consultation.