Estrogen helps build bones and keep them healthy. When women lose estrogen at the time of menopause, osteoporosis and bone loss soon follow. Estrogen replacement treatment can prevent osteoporosis and bone loss, allowing women to continue leading full, active lives decades beyond menopause. Ask Dr. Edward Jacobson about whether Connecticut estrogen therapy for osteoporosis and bone loss is a good option for you.
The first sign of osteoporosis is often a bone fracture. The literal meaning of osteoporosis is “porous bone,” and this bone weakening is common in postmenopausal women. The body continually reabsorbs older bones and makes new ones, but when the resorption /creation process is out of balance and less new bone is created, bone loss occurs.
Osteoporosis and bone loss can have a huge effect on a woman’s quality of life, limiting her activities and resulting in chronic pain issues. In turn, that can lead to depression and anxiety.
Women over age 50 – the perimenopausal and postmenopausal stage of life – are most vulnerable to osteoporosis and bone loss. Older, petite women are at highest risk. As many as half of such women may eventually suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture.
Genetics play a large factor in the development of osteoporosis, and women with a family history of the disease must take special care. If a woman is not sure about whether a relative had osteoporosis, take into consideration any family members who broke hips or other bones after a relatively minor slip or fall.
The body responds by balancing bone absorption and creation as it formerly did, and reducing the odds of fracture due to porous bones. Unlike synthetic hormones, which are basically “off the shelf” models, bioidentical hormones are individually created by a compounding pharmacy for each woman’s specific needs.
Bone is a dynamic structure. It is constantly being remodeled through reabsorption and laying down of new bone. This is highly impacted by estrogen and when this deficiency occurs the breakdown phase predominates. Both synthetic and natural hormone replacement can reverse this process, however the former is also inflammatory and fails to offer the many benefits of natural estrogen.
Bisphosphonate medications are often prescribed for women to prevent osteoporosis and bone loss, but these drugs have significant drawbacks when compared to Connecticut estrogen therapy.
Not only can rare – but serious – side effects occur, including jaw necrosis and esophageal cancer, but these drugs may cause a range of less serious but uncomfortable side effects. These include:
Bisphosphonate medications may also cause hot flashes and night sweats, both of which are conditions treated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
In addition, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may lower a woman’s risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration.
Women may experience increased libido, more energy, less wrinkling, and weight loss, along with protection from osteoporosis.
If you are interested in Connecticut estrogen therapy to prevent osteoporosis and bone loss, call the offices of Dr. Edward Jacobson today and arrange for a consultation.