Both men and women may experience low sex drive at various times in their lives, but in both sexes, the issue occurs more frequently after midlife when hormone levels drop. For women, menopause results in a severe drop in estrogen levels as the ovaries shut down. While changes in men are subtler, they also go through a similar phase known as andropause.
Low sex drive affects not only the individual but also their spouse or intimate partner. Fortunately, a medically trained professional may be of assistance. A Connecticut low sex drive doctor may be able to diagnose the reasons behind your low sex drive and provide appropriate treatment.
Although aging does affect male sex drive, it is far from the only potential culprit. Men suffering from sleep apnea also have lower testosterone levels, and men who do not sleep well and are subsequently tired all the time may lose much of their desire. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment may help with both conditions
Men start losing testosterone at the rate of about one percent annually in their early 30s, so the cumulative effect by the time they reach their 50s can be considerable. Testosterone replacement therapy can get their hormone levels back into the normal range. Not only will they experience an increased libido, but should generally feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.
In women, low sex drive is one of the more common side effects of menopause. Another common side effect is vaginal dryness, which can add to loss of libido if sex becomes painful. Other side effects of menopause that can affect libido include night sweats and lack of energy. Schedule a consultation with a low sex drive doctor for more information.
Many of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the United States may have a deleterious effect on libido. These include antidepressants, which may make a person feel better emotionally but can detract from their sex drive. The same holds true for women for birth control pills.
In some situations, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may improve mood while boosting sex drive, so that patients may commence weaning off their antidepressants. However, patients should never go cold turkey off any prescribed medication without consulting a low sex drive doctor first.
For either gender, a qualified physician could perform tests revealing the estrogen or testosterone levels in each patient, in addition to a thorough examination of their medical history and physical health. The patient must inform the doctor about all medications they are currently taking, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, along with supplements.
After thorough testing and a diagnosis, the doctor may institute bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, consisting of natural estrogen replacement therapy for women, and testosterone and possibly DHEA therapy for men. These therapies not only increase libido but should improve some of the more unpleasant side effects associated with menopause and andropause, such as vaginal dryness in women and hot flashes, insomnia, and depression in both sexes.
All patients are carefully monitored, and dosages may change over time. A doctor could also create a custom diet and exercise program for each patient, recommending supplements that may help a patient maintain optimal health. Regular exercise and an ideal body weight contribute to sexual desire levels. If you are suffering from low sex drive and want to know more about treatment options, call a Connecticut low sex drive doctor and arrange an appointment, or schedule a consultation.