Brief periods of memory loss can happen to anyone. Many of us find ourselves experiencing hazy or foggy memory from time to time, particularly as we age and when under stress. Finding your memory failing you is a frightening experience. Women experiencing cognitive symptoms of menopause and pre-menopause often find themselves struck by a fear that they may be experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Sadly, this prevents many women from seeking treatment out of fear over what they may discover.
Hormones act as instructions that tell the cells in your body what to do. Our hormones effectively control all processes and bodily functions. From sleep, to pain management, to sexual response, our brain sends hormones as messengers to the various systems that make our bodies function.
When these hormones don’t function properly, or when they aren’t produced in the correct quantities and combinations, various systems won’t function optimally. In many cases, bioidentical hormone supplements can restore proper function and the patient finds full relief from symptoms.
Regulation of sleep is an important function, controlled entirely by hormones. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or CFS, is a multifactorial illness. All factors need to be addressed for full relief. Each person has a unique optimal balance; and restoring that is the key to effective treatment.
Bioidentical hormones are only part of the treatment for chronic fatigue. CFS usually stems from multiple imbalances, so a multifaceted treatment is often what delivers full memory loss relief to the patient. A consultation would include looking into various factors, which can include:
Mitochondria are the energy sources for the body. Fatigue is a direct result of mitochondrial dysfunction, so a large part of the treatment process is to address malfunctioning mitochondria. Successful treatment works by restoring proper mitochondrial function.
Fatigue is an enormous factor in our cognitive health. Memory and mental acuity are adversely affected by lack of sleep, as anyone burning the candle at both ends can tell you. Similarly, chronic fatigue can accelerate the memory loss that often comes with age.
As we age, the endocrine system (which is responsible for regulating hormone production) may fall into imbalance. The thyroid, like all our organs, can sometimes become less efficient with age. Physical activity and proper nutrition can slow this decline, but in many cases a supplement of bioidentical hormones may be indicated.
Hashimoto’s disease and other thyroid dysfunctions are complex and highly individualized. Optimal thyroid function requires sufficient bodily production of the hormone T3. The correct balance of nutrients, primarily selenium and iodine, is key in converting hormone T4 into T3.
This illustrates the importance of addressing hormonal imbalance from several angles at once. Proper endocrine system function is key; optimal health is not possible without correct thyroid function. Patients should expect to answer questions and undergo testing so that the ideal course of treatment can be identified; providing relief and increased well-being.
Stress, age, fatigue, and other conditions can all take their toll on memory, sharpness, and other mental tasks. These factors, as well as mental acuity itself, are hormonally influenced. In combination with good nutrition, healthy habits, and quality sleep, bioidentical hormones may be able to help slow the cognitive degeneration that so often comes with age.
Only with a thorough examination and confidential, one-on-one analysis can the patient and doctor arrive at any conclusion or diagnosis. After looking into all internal and external factors, a comprehensive treatment plan can be developed to address your specific, individual concern regarding memory loss.