While women go through menopause in midlife, men go through a similar—albeit less dramatic—change at about the same time. This phase, known as andropause, coincides with lower testosterone levels as men age.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men can restore libido and virility, making a man feel much like his younger self. Candidates for hormone replacement therapy for men in Greenwich run the gamut from those dealing with normal loss of testosterone to those with serious metabolic issues.
Testosterone levels in men peak around age 20, but most men really notice a difference after age 40. Some men may dismiss certain symptoms as just a consequence of getting older, but such symptoms often reveal low levels of testosterone. Symptoms of low testosterone include:
Men who do not have low levels of testosterone should not receive hormone replacement therapy in Greenwich, but it is important to find out what is causing certain symptoms, such as depression or irritability. There are certain over-the-counter testosterone products available, but self-diagnosis and treatment is unwise and possibly dangerous.
A doctor can measure testosterone levels via a blood test and make sure a man receives the correct amount of hormone therapy for his needs. In addition, the doctor can ensure his hormone levels are regularly monitored and the dosage adjusted as needed.
Males diagnosed with hypogonadism are generally good candidates for male hormone replacement therapy in Greenwich. Hypogonadism occurs when the testicles produce few, if any, male hormones. In some males, this condition is present from birth, but in other men it may develop after an illness or injury. When adult males with hypogonadism receive testosterone replacement therapy, they can experience many of the same benefits that “average” men with low testosterone levels would receive.
For boys or teenagers with the condition, testosterone replacement therapy given in lower doses over a long period can stimulate puberty. Early detection of hypogonadism can avoid issues associated with delayed puberty and allows for the timely development of secondary sex characteristics.
Hormone replacement therapy is contraindicated for some men. Those diagnosed with active prostate cancer should not receive this therapy, nor should men diagnosed with breast cancer. Men treated for heart disease should also avoid testosterone replacement therapy.
Furthermore, those with certain liver, kidney or urinary tract diseases are often not good candidates for hormone replacement therapy. Other common conditions contraindicated for hormone replacement therapy include serious sleep apnea or men whose hematocrit levels are less than 50.
Although it sounds counterintuitive, men who want to father children should not receive testosterone replacement therapy as it can lower sperm counts. With that in mind, there are other types of hormone therapy that potential fathers can receive, including those involving human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
If you are a candidate for hormone replacement for men in Greenwich and would like to know more about the process, call the office of Dr. Edward Jacobson today and arrange a consultation. After conducting thorough testing and a physical examination, a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy could receive the hormone in injectable, patch, gel or intradermal pellet form.